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Functional Nutrition Counsellor in Dallas

Welcome to Innovative Natural Medicine! My name is Ty Brown. I'm a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Certified Bio-Feedback Technician, and Certified Toxicity & Detox Specialist. I obtained my Nutrition Consultant Diploma from College of ...

Functional Nutrition

What is Functional Nutrition?

Functional nutrition is a holistic approach to diet that considers one’s lifestyle factors, such as activity levels, environment, or the presence of chronic disease, that could affect their food choices. It is based on the principle of bio-individuality, which means that everyone has different nutritional needs and preferences depending on their unique physiology and circumstances. Functional nutrition aims to address the root causes of health issues and promote optimal wellness by using food as medicine.

Functional nutrition is similar to functional medicine, which is a patient-centered practice that focuses on the body as a whole ecosystem and the interactions between its various systems. Functional nutrition also looks at how food affects not only physical health, but also mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Functional nutrition practitioners use various tools and methods to assess and support their clients, such as laboratory testing, dietary supplements, lifestyle interventions, and coaching.

Unlike allopathic medicine protocol of "a pill for an ill", Functional Nutirition practitioner focus on the ROOT CAUSE, they answer the questions "why is this happening?", "What can we do to remediate it?", "How can we prevent it from happening again?" Functional nutrition is never one-size-fits-all; instead, it is a highly customised holistic health perspective that takes your unique specifications into account to trigger healing from the cellular level. The goal of functional nutrition is not only to address any existing issues but to prevent future ones.

Our Protocol

Specialized Approach

Gut Health, Perfusion and Blood Sugar Regulation

A significant number of health issues that individuals face can be linked to the gut. This is hardly surprising considering that 70-80% of our immune system resides there. The gut plays a crucial role in digesting and absorbing our food, vitamins, and minerals, thereby providing our body with the essential nutrients for maintaining good health.

Once the food is broken down, it’s up to the process of perfusion - the passage of blood through blood vessels - to deliver these nutrients to our cells and organs. Perfusion plays a critical role in maintaining overall health and function of the body. It’s a key aspect of the circulatory system’s operation, influencing everything from nutrient delivery to waste removal.

Blood sugar regulation is a key player in this process. Uncontrolled fluctuations in blood sugar can lead to many health issue.Too little glucose, called hypoglycemia, starves cells, and too much glucose (hyperglycemia) creates a sticky, paralyzing effect on cells. Euglycemia, or blood sugar within the normal range, is naturally ideal for the body’s functions.

Regrettably, conventional medicine often overlooks these underlying issues, focusing instead on treating the symptoms and the diagnosis rather than addressing the root cause. At Innovative Natural Medicine, we prioritize addressing gut health, perfusion, and blood sugar regulation - these are non-negotiable aspects of our standard protocol.

While this protocol is standard for all our clients, the process and program are tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual.

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